Senin, 22 Oktober 2012

English Seventh Meeting "SAN ANDREAS FAULT"

The San Andreas Fault line is a fracture at the congruence of two major plates of the Earth’s crust, one of which support most of the North American continent, and the other of which underlies the coast of California and part of the ocean floor of the Pacific Ocean. The fault originates about six hundred miles south of the Gulf of California, runs north in an irregular line along the western coast to San Francisco, and continues north for about two hundred more miles before angling off into the ocean. In places, the trace of the fault is marked by a trench, or, in geological terms, a rift, and a small ponds dot the landscape. Its western side always move north in relation to its eastern side. The total net slip along the San Andreas Fault and the length of time it has been active are matters of conjecture, but it has been estimated that, during the past fifteen million years, coastal California along the San Andreas Fault has moved about 190 miles in a northwesterly direction with respect to the North American plate. Although the movement along the fault averages only a few inches a year, it is intermittent and variable. Some segments of the fault do not have move at all for long periods of time, building up tremendous pressure that must be released

Garis Patahan San Andreas adalah fraktur pada harmoni dua piring besar kerak bumi, salah satu yang mendukung sebagian besar benua Amerika Utara, dan yang lain yang mendasari pantai California dan bagian dari dasar laut dari Samudera Pasifik. patahan berasal sekitar enam ratus mil selatan Teluk California, membentang Utara di garis yang tidak teratur sepanjang pantai barat menuju San Francisco, dan terus ke utara untuk sekitar dua ratus mil lain sebelum Memancing off ke laut. Di tempat, jejak patahan ditandai oleh sebuah parit, atau, secara geologi, celah, dan kolam kecil dot pemandangannya. Sisi barat selalu bergerak Utara dalam kaitannya dengan sisi timur. Total bersih menyelipkan sepanjang Patahan San Andreas dan jangka waktu yang telah aktif Canopus meninggal di sini, tetapi diperkirakan bahwa, selama lima belas juta tahun, pantai California sepanjang Patahan San Andreas pindah sekitar 190 kilometer arah barat laut sehubungan dengan Lempeng Amerika Utara. Meskipun gerakan sepanjang Patahan rata-rata hanya beberapa inci per tahun, hal ini intermiten dan variabel. Beberapa segmen kesalahan tidak bergerak sama sekali untuk lama waktu, membangun tekanan luar biasa yang akan dilepaskan

For this reason, tremors are not unusual along the San Andreas Fault, some of which are classified as major earthquakes. Also for this reason, small tremors are interpreted as safe, since they are understood to be pressure that releases without causing much damage.
  It is worth nothing that the San Andreas Fault passes uncomfortably close to several major metropolitan areas, including Los Angeles and San Francisco. In addition, the San Andreas Fault  has created smaller fault systems, many of which underlie the smaller towns and cities along the  California coast. For this reason, Californians have long anticipated the recurrence of what they refer to as the “Big One,” a chain reaction of destructive earthquakes that would measure near 8 on the Richter scale, similar in intensity to those that occurred in 1857 and 1906. Such a quake would wreak devastating effects on the life and property in the region. Unfortunately, as pressure continues to build along the fault, the likelihood of such an earthquake increases substantially.

Untuk alasan ini, getaran tidak biasa sepanjang Patahan San Andreas, beberapa di antaranya diklasifikasikan sebagai gempa bumi besar. Juga untuk alasan ini, getaran kecil ditafsirkan sebagai aman, karena mereka mengerti menjadi tekanan yang melepaskan tanpa menyebabkan banyak kerusakan.
It's worth apa-apa yang Patahan San Andreas melewati nyaman dekat dengan beberapa daerah metropolitan utama, termasuk Los Angeles dan San Francisco. Selain itu, Patahan San Andreas telah dibuat lebih kecil kesalahan sistem, banyak yang mendasari kota-kota kecil dan kota-kota pesisir California. Untuk alasan ini, California memiliki panjang diantisipasi pengulangan dari apa yang mereka sebut sebagai "Big One," reaksi berantai dari gempa bumi yang merusak yang akan mengukur dekat 8 skala Richter, mirip dengan intensitas yang terjadi pada tahun 1857 dan 1906. Sebuah gempa akan mendatangkan pengaruh yang sangat buruk pada kehidupan dan properti di daerah. Sayangnya, sebagai tekanan terus membangun sepanjang kesalahan, kemungkinan seperti gempa meningkat secara substansial.

1. What is the author’s main purpose in the passage?
  A.    To describe the San Andreas Fault
  B.  To give a definition of a fault
  C.  To explain the reason for tremors and earthquakes
  D.  To classify different kinds of faults
2.How does the author define the San Andreas Fault?
  A.  A plate that underlies the North American continent
  B.  A crack in the Earth’s crush between two plates.
  C.  Occasional tremors and earthquakes
  D.  Intense pressure that builds up
3.The word originates in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by
  A.    gets wider                   C.  begins
  B.  changes direction        D.  disappears
4. In which direction does the western side of the fault move?
  A.  West       B. East    C.  North    D.  South
5.The word it in the paragraph 1 refers to   
  A.    San Francisco    B. ocean  C.  coast  D.  fault
6.The word intermittent in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by which one of the following?
  A.  dangerous        C.  uncommon
  B.  predictable        D.  occasional
7.Along the San Andreas Fault, tremors are
  A.    small and insignificant    C.  frequent events
  B.  rare, but disastrous           D.  very unpredictable
8.The phrase “the Big One” refers to which of the following?
  A.  A serious earthquake    C.  The river scale
  B.  The San Andreas Fault    D.  California
9.Which of the following words best describes the San Andreas Fault?
  A.    Straight    B.  Deep    C.  Wide    D.  Rough

by: Cindy Mujiaswati/1233473132/SK/CCIT

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